Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009, Monday Seminar 2 -

Hi all,

Thanks for attending, staying awake, and participating this morning!!  Just a couple things to address:

1. If you are getting a ride from someone else, and they have to be at their placement a different time, you will have to adjust accordingly.....go earlier, stay later, talk to your coop and make adjustments.

2. Portfolios are not something you really need to know about until you take your MCE computer class and then get into methods.  That's where those are thoroughly introduced.  I mention them here because we do have junior and senior students in this class who will be working on portfolios next term.

3.  Yes, all you find yourself doing at your placement is copying papers, and you are not working with students, that's a reason to change placements.  However, I request that you speak with your coop first to see if they would be willing to allow you to be more involved in the class before we move you.

I'm wondering how you feel about starting your placement.  Are you looking forward to it?  Does it make you nervous?  Are you excited?

Have a great week.  See you Friday!


  1. I'm excited but slightly nervous. I'm ready to dive in head first though!

  2. I am definitely nervous, but also looking forward to getting started! I enjoyed my experience in 201 and am hoping this one gets me as excited to teach as it did! I figure if I'm positive I can make it a good experience or not!

    Tabitha Varney 10:30 F

  3. I am very excited for this experience. I took a teacher prep class my senior year of highschool. I had the opportunity to have field experiences in a first, fourth and sixth grade classroom. I am very eager to get back into the classroom!

  4. I'm really excited about starting my placement because I've never been in a suburban school. I'm not really nervous since I'm just going to be observing.

  5. Megan et al,

    I hope you do more than just observe. You need to jump in and help and work with the students. Don't JUST OBSERVE! Get your teacher to let you help.

  6. I am actually excited to start going out into the field again and get more ideas how to teach and how to get the students involved. Also, I am always nervous going into places that I have never been before, but its a hill I have to get pass and over it. I am sure when I get there and help students out on what they are doing that I am sure I won't have that tension of being nervous.

  7. I am pretty nervous but I am also very, very anxious to get back into the classroom. I am like molly o. because I also took a teacher prep course during high school and I had the opportunity be in the classrooms of multiple age levels for over 100 hours. I really hope it goes well though.

    Also, I created a portfolio for my teacher prep (it was through BGSU Firelands) and I had to create about a 95 slide powerpoint portfolio. Is that anything like the final portfolio work later on? Thank you.

  8. I was we use them when we are trying to get a job? Or are they more or less just something that is done before we graduate?
    Brittany Meade 9:30 class

  9. I'm really exctied to start my placement in an inner-city school because I attended a very small rural school. I look forward to learning all the differences between the schools and children.

  10. This is in response to gbunn-
    For my teacher prep class, I did not have to complete a 95 slide powerpoint for my portfolio. We did have to have a technology CD thing which contained a powerpoint.

  11. I'm pretty nervous for the site work. But I'm excited enough that I'll get over it!

  12. I'm also excited but also very nervous to start at my school on Monday. I am hoping it is a good learning experience and I learn a lot...good and bad....

  13. bmeade,

    Your portfolio will be something that you can use when you're job hunting, especially on second interviews.

  14. I'm really excited about starting at my school! I talked to my teacher today and she sounds really nice so that calmed me down about it =]

    Katie Lucarelli
