Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009 9:30


I really appreciate how well you handled the activity today, and your participation was excellent. Here are my responses to the couple issues that were raised.

1) I don't have every person in the group write something on the poster because then you wouldn't have to discuss it and determine the best points.

2) You're right. It is hard to participate if you don't do the assignment. Hence - you should do the assignments. They are not worthless.

3) Your group projects are on the calendar you were given. You present on the dates your scheduled. Your groups should be meeting and you should be planning for the teaching and researching for your papers.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Just a real quick question, I know that we dont have alot of time in class as is, but are we going to have any class time to work on our presentations?

  2. Another question-

    Could you review quickly with everyone what is expected of us for the papers? Thank you!

  3. No, we won't have class time to work on your presentations. If you look on blackboard, the info on the papers AND the rubric for the paper and the micro-teaching are on blackboard. If you have questions, please ask them in class, I'm not sure what you want to know.
