Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6, 2009 9:30

Hey -

You all did a great job on presenting the information on the culture of a middle school. I hope the activity was valuable for you, and you have a better handle on the middle childhood education culture.

Enjoy your field placement and take time to share your experiences with us here on the blog.

Have a great weekend.



  1. Hey!
    How did everyone enjoy their first day at their field placement?

  2. Hey Angela!
    I went to Jones MIddle School today, and I will tell you that I was extremely nervous to go. I ended up having a great time and really enjoyed the class I was in. There are some things that I saw that I didn't like, but I am glad to see these things so I don't do it! My mentor teacher is really nice. She is going to get me involved as much as possible, and maybe let me lead a couple lessons. I told her that I would probably be kind of nervous, but I was up for anything. I think all of you guys should try to do this because next time you get the chance will be when your teaching your classroom. How did your field placement go????

  3. I went to Jones Middle School on Monday and it was a totally different atmosphere than what I am used to, but I really enjoyed it. Coming from a small rural school, my eyes were really opened. The biggest difference I saw was the lack of respect for teachers. After the first day I'm not really sure if I could handle teaching there, but maybe by the end I will change my mind.

  4. My teacher had pretty good control of her classroom. I think it really just depends on the teacher, and what he or she does the first day the kids come to the classroom. I have been learning that setting expectations and not rules is the best way to get respect from your kids and keep them from acting out.

  5. MY field placement went well and it was definitely a different kind of experience! I went to Jones and discovered that the inner city experience is nothing short of what people say it is! It was completely different from my school. Students got away with so much and I swear they had no respect for the teacher! It was also very evident that they came from different backgrounds than most of the kids at my old school. I'm looking forward to returning and I am definitely considering teaching in an urban school someday! There are so many opportunities to make a difference!

  6. I love 8th graders! I was a little hesitant at first because I have never worked in a classroom above 6th grade. The atmosphere at Sandusky Jr. High was great. I wouldn't mind starting my teaching career at this school. The teacher and I decided that I will observe the first two periods of the day and teach the second two if I feel comfortable. U.S. History is one of my favorite subjects and I can't wait to give teaching it a try!

  7. I did not have a good experience. When I got to Leverrette it took the office 45 minutes to tell me that my teacher was now the dean of students and wasnt teaching anymore. So then I had to sit in on a class that only did book work all day and there were three other students from Bowling Green in my classroom. Hopefully next week will be better.
