Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6 10:30

Hey all,

Glad you enjoyed your gallery walk! I think it's a fun and engaging activity and you can use it with your middle kids in any content area, just like you can use last week's group teaching activity with them.

My responses:

1) I DID give you a full 2 minutes!! :)

2) Are you going to add twenty work days to your job for no pay? I don't think anyone is going to stand for that.

3) Finding out prior knowledge other than pre-tests or KWL's..... good question. I used to have my kids write me a social studies autobiography at the beginning of the year. I also had them write me a letter telling me what they knew and what they wanted to learn along with any other info they wanted me to know. Ask them. Once or twice I had them go through the textbooks at the beginning of the year and tell write down which chapters they thought they really need to work on and which they felt like they already knew. You could play a game with the knowledge you're wondering about and see how they do.

If any of you had teachers who got this info in a different way.... please share with the rest of us.

4) My favorite way of teaching is whatever works for the group of kids I'm teaching at the time. I love projects because the outcomes are always a surprise and often fantastic! I also love to just discuss when people will actually participate.

Have a wonderful week!! I know your field experience will go well, and I can hardly wait to hear about it!!



  1. I just wanted to say I am really excited about my field experience. Today was my first day and I thought it went amazingly! (Is that a word?) lol. I am really looking forward to working with my cooperating teacher and learning a lot about middle childhood! I hope all of you have/had a great experience too!

  2. I had a great first day experience at my placement. The teacher is very professional in her work and displays everything a middle childhod teacher should. I know I am going to learn so much from this!
