Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week of January 26

Hi all,

Wow - what a week.  I hope you all survived it!!

9:30 Class -
          I apologize for the necessity of buzzing right along.  However, it did seem that all of your questions were answered.  I did forget to give you your research/micro-teaching topic groups, so remind me to do that next week.  Hopefully, we can complete the other necessary info for you at your seminar on Wednesday and have your finalized placement info.  Pay close attention to the changes in your schedule and be sure your assignments are prepared accordingly or you'll be lost in class.  I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 8AM in 301 Education.  If you have any questions from this past week - just ask.

10:30 Class -
         Fortunately, we're on track.  I did forget to give you your placement letters, but they are finished and you'll get them Monday.    I thought you all did a great job participating in discussing the 'culture' of middle school education yesterday.  There didn't seem to be any major questions, and if they surface, do not hesitate to ask either here or in class. Be sure to read and prepare your assignments so you can intelligently participate in class. I look forward to seeing you bright and early 8AM Monday in 301 education.



  1. Hello! This is Hannah Grohowski from the 9:30 class. I just wanted to say that the information that was provided on Friday, was very helpful to me. I am really anxious about my field experience at Leverette. This is the first time that I have ever been to an inner city school. If anyone has any ideas about how to relax, and not be so anxious, please let me know. Although, I am very excited about the fact that I am going to be in a seventh grade social studies class. History is my favorite subject. Thanks!

  2. Hey -
    Here are a few questions that I forgot to address from last week.
    1) The generalist program is in the process of, hopefully, being approved. I can't give you the course information until it's approved. I'll try to keep tabs on it and let you know asap.

    2) This blog is for all of us to discuss. You can ask questions, voice opinions, converse with whoever is on.

    3) The more you can teach, the more marketable you are, and the more likely you'll get a job. The generalist endorsement would make you more marketable.

    4) You should be able to get a copy of your checksheet from your advisor.

    Hannah - Don't be scared or nervous. I haven't lost anyone yet!! :)

  3. Hannah- No worries about teaching in an inner city school. The kids are always excited to see you and they like to have someone to just talk to sometimes. Overall, I think ever teacher needs to have this experience to see how diverse Ohio is! I'm sure you will have fun!
