Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 27, 2009


Nice job on the first presentations! The bar has been

Just a couple responses from class:

1) I do not know of any reserach showing whetehr or not it is better to have the studnet sit in during a conference. However, I did it all the time. However, it is important for the teacher to keep control of the conference and not let it turn into a trial. Also, there are a lot of schools doing student led conferencing. This is a specific program where students prepare their materials and exactly what they are going to say to their parents. I've never done it, but I've heard good things about it. It would, I believe, be well worth researching.

2) You do not 'transfer" to a different teaching job between districts. If you teach in an urban school and want to change, you need to find a new job that you do want, apply, and get yourself hired.

3) "Local" schools are usually rural.

Have a wonderful week. Please continue to share field placement experiences.


1 comment:

  1. I'm at Jones in Toledo and I really enjoy my class. However, sometimes I feel like my teacher has already given up on the students. Coming from a rural(ish) district, it is very interesting to see this side of education.
