Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009

Good Morning 202 Students!!

What a beautiful morning! I hope you've all had a wonderful break. I was fortunate enough to spend the week in Naples, FL where it was 80+ degrees and sunny everyday. Every year when it comes time to leave there I wonder why I live in Ohio, and then I remember my grandkids!! :)

I'm glad to hear that your class went well with Rachel.

Some of you mentioned that maybe we should have shown you an example of bad teaching. My thought on that is that you've probably seen plenty of that, and I try never to use bad examples. We can be bad all by ourselves; we don't need to see how someone else does it. :)

I look forward to seeing you Friday and observing an excellent presentation on inclusion.

I'd love to have you give me an example of good teaching that you've seen at your placement or in a previous term.

See you Friday!

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